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A hill at the Southern bend of Nagsasa Cove | San Antonio, Zambales

A month ago, our original plan was actually to climb Mt. Balingkilat or popularly known as the "Mountain of Thunder" , one of the highest peaks in the Zambales Coastal Mountains and Coves area and then we will traverse to Nagsasa Cove, but unfortunately some things just happened and we changed our plans. Instead of hiking at Mt. Balingkilat, we just prefer to do a Island hopping tour and our last stop is Nagsasa Cove where we will spend the rest of our day and we will do an overnight camping.

It's already the 2nd day of our trip and we're already at Nagsasa Cove. After the drinking session last night (it's about my previous blog about the island hopping tour) we woke up early like around 6 o'clock in the morning and I'm the first one who prepared our breakfast. Cooked corned beef and sausage and of course rice.

The sun is not yet rising but look, we're already hyper and alive. We even broke our duyan because we tried if the duyan will conquer our heaviness HAHAHA. I know sounds silly but it made our morning more lively and productive.

After 45 minutes, we're all hungry but good thing our breakfast is finally served. After that, we planned to climb the hill at the southern bend of the cove.

It's around 8 o'clock in the morning when we started to hike, we already felt the heat of the summer and we we're drenched in sweat. Going up to the hill’s summit involved a short 15-minute trek but don’t worry about getting lost, you can’t because the trail is clearly marked. As you can see we we're surrounded by reddish soil and ragged red rocks which I think gives more beauty to the hill because it looks a brownish color from afar.

The top of the hill offers the wonderful scenery of the whole Nagsasa Cove, also the West Philippine Sea. It's so beautiful and breathtaking! Ahhhh I fell in love <3 It's like a paradise! As you can see, the bay is quite deep as evidenced by the deep blue water.

Fun-Filled morning hike! Look at our faces, we're all alive and just enjoying the moment. It was such a beautiful day.

It's always fun and happier when travelling with friends, i'm looking forward for more like this from our next getaways.

Happy travels!

xo, esca ♡


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